
When Too Much is Unhealthy Image

When Too Much is Unhealthy

Sometimes too much is too much! In this movie, Nomi and Moby learn that taking on too many tasks at once can be unhealthy. This is both common sense and can also be found in popular Yiddish sayings.

For example, the following sayings focus on the virtues of a bisl—⁠a little bit—⁠over having or doing too much:

  • 1. בעסער אַ ביסל און רעכטס אײדער אַ פֿולע און שלעכטס.

    Better a little and right than a lot and bad.
    Quality is more important than quantity.

(The phrase אַ פֿולע can be found in Northern Yiddish as a synonym for אַ סך.)

  • 2. װאָס צו (פֿיל) איז אומגעזונט.

    What is too much is unhealthy.
    All things, even the best and most necessary, can be harmful if they are without limit.

  • 3. צו שטאַט קומט מען אָן װײַט.

    Slowly, one goes far.
    Slow and steady wins the race.

(This proverb comes from the Hungarian dialect of Yiddish. In this dialect, צו שטאַט [pronounced /צעשטאַ’ט/] means "slow", and the word ווײַט is pronounced with a long /aa/ that rhymes with צו שטאַט.)

  • 4. אַ ביסל מיט אַ ביסל װערט אַ פֿולע שיסל.

    A little with a little fills a bowl.
    You can still accomplish a lot going in small increments.