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Quick Tour

Want to learn Yiddish but not quite sure how to navigate our Yiddish language movies, activities, and games? Take four minutes to watch our screencast Quick Tour — here, we will guide you through our lively and robust offerings, from our graphic-rich player to our treasury of resources for Yiddish students and teachers alike.

Brukhim-haboyim! Welcome to YiddishPOP. Here you can find movies, activities, and games for Yiddish learners of all ages. Let’s begin.

YiddishPOP is divided into kapitlen, or units.

Each unit contains five lessons that include related grammar topics and a review.

Each lesson features an animated movie starring Nomi and Moby, and incorporates key grammar concepts.

Let’s listen and watch for a moment.

Subtitles help students connect spoken and written Yiddish.

Vokabular and Gramatik are short companion movies that more fully explain the new vocabulary and structures in each lesson.

Each movie has interactive features that allow students to hear and use the new vocabulary and grammar in a variety of contexts.

"Verter" is an interactive vocabulary activity.

In "Her un zog nokh" students hear and repeat words and phrases to practice pronunciation.

"Leyen" is a reading comprehension exercise...

...and "Shrayb" is a guided writing activity.

Du kenst oykh is a quiz students take to assess their knowledge of the featured grammar skill and new vocabulary.

The "Nokh protim" section provides more detailed grammar explanations, in Yiddish and in English.

"Kultur" broadens students’ knowledge of Yiddish and Jewish culture on a topic related to the movie, both in Yiddish and in English.

Looking for a summary of all language topics we've covered so far? Return to the home page and go to "Iberblik".

You can get to our "Vocabulary Index" from any page for an alphabetical listing of all words we’ve learned .

And our "Contact Us" page is the place to get in touch with any questions or comments about YiddishPOP.

Hope to hear from you soon!